India Calling !! Best Motivational Rap Musical 2020 I India’s Got What it Takes I Aishi Sarkar
from Macaroon Media on September 29, 2020
Genres : music videos
Duration : 3 minutes 34 minutes
Availability : Worldwide
C’mon people, blow on your conches !! Bring the Virus to its Haunches !! As the whole world reels under an extended lockdown Indian wisdom is showing the way!! India’s Giving what it Takes & How !!! Your life will remain incomplete if you don’t experience INDIA at least once. You will realize how love, warmth, patience and Vedic wisdom can transport you to a state which enhances your acceptance and empowers you to embrace any culture, any religion, any language or any food without being judgemental. You can come to India as a tourist, as a businessman or as a seeker of spirituality. You will be amazed to see the unity in diversity and an enchanting ONENESS where you will never feel like an outsider. INDIA IS CALLING YOU with the warmest heart. In this song modernity rubs shoulders with ancient Vedic wisdom in a perfect marriage of the best of both worlds which reflects the spirit of true India!! C’mon people, blow on your conches!! Bring the virus to its haunches!! It is suspected that some dark forces may have played a role in spreading the virus globally. But in contrast, look at the great role India has played through the ages to serve mankind! India has spread the message of Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah – peace to all beings ! India has given the world yoga, pranayam, jadi booti and dhyaan. India has one of the lowest mortality rates in the world despite being so densely populated, because of its lifestyle based on Vedic wisdom. Indian wisdom makes you strong from inside!! Join #AishiSarkar, our young rapper, as she journeys through the streets of vintage Calcutta reminding people of India’s unforgettable contribution to global well-being. As rap/hip-hop maintains its popularity, a lot has changed about the lyrics! Such as the lyrics of this unusual rap song, India Calling! The India Calling rap song belongs to the new school of fusion rap and gives off a completely different vibe which you are just going to love!! I Let meaningful and of course, foot tapping! rap make its mark over endless rap songs about cars, girls and money. India’s got a message – it’s powerful and we are so sure you want to hear this! With all our love- Stay Safe ! Stay Home!! Stay Happy!

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