Number9 I Short Film I Aishi Sarkar I Uday Pratap Singh I Director Priyanka Jasani
from Macaroon Media on November 13, 2020
Duration : 36 minutes 14 seconds
Availability : Worldwide
The family of a young girl, Aishi, is very worried about her marriage. An astrologer has told them that her birth date is filled with the number 9. This is causing undue delays in her marriage. So, she needs an astro remedy to find her true love! Soon, Aishi meets a young man, Artav, in her office and two fall in love. But can the powerful planet Mars be conquered so easily? Watch all the twists and turns in this captivating short film, Number 9, to find out who wins the battle of love: Aishi or her stars? Jive to this beautiful, peppy Christmas number, “The One I Love is Near!’ Directed by award winning young, Director, Priyanka Jasani, Number 9 is not about the star struck or the star crossed – it is the triumph of human goodness over all adverse situations in life.

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